Layout a book or magazine
What is editorial design for?
The editorial design exists because although it is true that print is tending to disappear, but there are still millions of readers of books, magazines, newspapers, etc. However, nowadays on the Internet we can find a digital version of a printed book, and for all those reading lovers it is best to find a copy that makes you want to read, combining the written content with the graphic content.
Editorial design projects
At Creative Group, we have those reading lovers, they are a team of designers with all the knowledge to be able to diagram and exalt the content of a book or magazine. In addition to the designers, we have a team of specialized photographers to give life and color to each page. We have a wide experience in this field, so we are sure that with us you will be able to give life to your writings.
At all times we are all being bombarded with advertising and information, both on mobile devices, laptops, print media, TV, among others and the only way to stand out from the rest is to be able to generate a graphic and quality content so that consumers can receive the message.